
Eucalyptus Tree Honey

 1,000 1,950

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  • Ayurveda supports the medicinal importance of honey and its healing properties. Called as nature’s natural antibiotic, it is known to possess antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Honey is loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids, and healing compounds which when taken regularly keep people healthy.
  • Made by the alchemy of bees collecting nectar, pollen, and resins from flowers, honey can help moisturize, fight to age, and fight bacteria.
  • Honey helps reduces ulcers & other bacterial gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Honey is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal. But the eucalyptol element that provides eucalyptus honey its aroma and taste is anti-inflammatory on its own and thus adding to the medicinal power of honey.



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Eucalyptus Tree Honey
 1,000 1,950
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